Home Business Environmental Benefits of Refrigerated Shipping Containers

Environmental Benefits of Refrigerated Shipping Containers

Refrigerated shipping containers have transformed the way that perishable goods are transported over great distances. You can transport fresh seafood, fresh produce, chemicals and pharmaceuticals in these containers ensuring their quality and safety as a result of the temperature control.

You can greatly reduce food waste as a result of refrigerated container services. Within the shipping container, precise levels of humidity and temperature are maintained so that the shelf life of perishable goods can be extended. This will minimise the risk of them spoiling or being contaminated. You will be able to minimise the number of vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products being discarded due to them deteriorating during the transit. By reducing food waste, you can conserve natural resources and mitigate the emissions of greenhouse gases that are involved with the production of waste food along with their transport and disposal. Traditionally, perishable goods are transported over air freight and refrigerated trucks are also used to the same effect. But with refrigerated shipping containers, you will be able to find a more energy efficient and environmentally friendly solution. These will maximise the use of space and optimise energy efficiency so that less fuel is consumed. This will reduce the carbon emissions per unit of cargo that is being transported.

Some other factors

That contribute to improved energy efficiency are advancements in the design of shipping containers, insulation materials used and technologies in refrigeration. Many modern refrigerated shipping containers have energy recovery systems. They use renewable power sources so that energy consumption is minimised along with the environmental footprint. These systems can use waste heat that is generated by the process of refrigeration and have it repurposed for heating and other applications on-board. This will reduce additional energy inputs needed. Some containers are also designed to integrate with renewable sources of power such as solar panels, wind turbines etc. so that they can operate independently. They no longer need to depend on fossil fuel based power sources. Refrigerated shipping containers will also support the use of sustainable packaging solutions. As a controlled environment is provided to extend product shelf life, manufacturers are able to use less packaging materials. This will also reduce the need to use chemical additives and preservatives. Some of the sustainable packaging solutions they can explore are biodegradable, compostable or recyclable materials so that the environmental impact can be reduced throughout the supply chain.

The efficiency of multi-modal transportation

Can be facilitated by refrigerated shipping containers. You can have the goods transferred between trains, ships and trucks seamlessly without having to handle them intermediately or repackage the items. This can optimise the efficiency of transportation and bring down transit times. The environmental footprint related to each mode of transport will also be reduced as a result. You can use existing infrastructure and maximise cargo capacity. The optimisation of cold chain is ensured by refrigerated shipping containers. This will ensure the safety and quality of perishable items from the time they are produced to when they arrive at the final destination.

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