Home Business 5 Out of The Box Ideas for Your Pen-Pal

5 Out of The Box Ideas for Your Pen-Pal

While back in the days, most of what pen-pals shared were letters, today the levels of creativity have made the interaction more interesting and fun! With so much talent in the world out there, it only makes sense to share them, even if it’s just with your pen-pal.

In case you’re new to the concept of pen-pal, let us explain it you. A pen-pal is also known as a pen-friend. They write to each other on a regular basis via postal mail. While the primary definition of pen-pal applies between strangers whose relationship is solely based through such an interaction, people now do so even with known friends and relatives across the globe.

So whether you have decided to get yourself a pen-pal and swap mail, or if you’re looking for more fun and creative ways to up your mail for your already existing pen-pal, then here are some visionary ideas.

Own a pen-pal kit

Pen-pal kits often have a range of cute items you can add into your envelope and swap with your mail buddy! Ranging from little stickers to washi-tapes to pressed flowers and more, it adds a sense of creativity and colour to your letters. You can even do it in themes such as vintage, floral and etc. And if you’re pen-pal has a sweet-tooth, you can send in a touch of cute stickers like cupcakes and tarts.

Handmade jewellery

If you’re someone who loves making handmade jewellery, then adding it into your pen-pal’s mail would be an extra personal touch. Whether you make beaded friendship bracelets, resin rings and earing or even clay jewellery that’s all the fashion these days, unique gifts make mails all the more exciting.

Box your mail up

Now hear this out. Imagine filling up cute mailing boxes with individually enveloped letters that has different things to talk about alongside adding in other fun creative thing off of the list in this article. Doesn’t that make the packaging more exciting to dig through? You can always mail letters in envelopes, but this is one way you can make the process extra interesting too.

A greener intention

Why not make the most of your pen-paling process and make the planet a greener space. After all, every small move can make a big change, and that change starts from each one of us. Adding in sachets of seeds, especially if you’re pen-pal is a plant mom/dad, can be absolutely fun. Not only would you’ll be able to plant a new tree, but you’ll can also swap details and pictures of its progress each time.

Easy spa collection

Who doesn’t love being spoiled with a spa collection? From facemasks to sample sized products, there’s always so much you can add in order to give your pen-pal a day to unwind and relax, wherever she may be. If you’re mail is in a box as we mentioned above, you can even add in bath bombs and bath salts!

Let us know if you loved these ideas.

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